La Yourte Restaurant
Services & Equipement
- Garden room
- Bar
- Terrace
- Toilets
- Air conditioned restaurant
- Car park
- Defibrillator
- Garden
- Park
- Swimming pool
- Coach parking
- Private parking
- Open air swimming pool
- Baby chair
- Charging stations for electric vehicles
- Pets welcome
- Coach access
- Accommodation
- Room hire
- Wi-fi
- Restaurant
- Buffet meal
All year round
Opening hours daily between 12 pm and 2 pm and between 7 pm and 10 pm.
Lunchtime service: 12pm - 2pm, evening service: 7pm to 10:30pm From 12:30pm on weekends and bank holidays.
Nombre salle de réunion équipées : 4
A la carte menu: between €6 and €40 Adult menu: €28
Children’s menu (12 years): €13
Dish of the day: €15
Breakfast: between €8.50 and €18.90.
Modes de paiement
- Currency
- Cash
- Titres restaurant (vouchers)
Nombre de personne maximum : 60
Langues parlées
- English
- French