Children's groups : The milky way of cows - workshop: from the cow to the dairy products
A propos
Butter, yoghurt, cheese ... are all dairy products, but what's the magic behind this transformation?
Heaven! How can an animal that grazes so peacefully in the fields produce so much milk?
For this, several conditions are necessary and we suggest you discover them before considering a second question:
By what magic can this hot liquid just out of the udder be transformed into butter, yoghurt or even better... cheese?
Topics covered: definition and characteristics of the cow, its diet and lactation cycle, the components of milk, dairy products from cows and other animals in the world.
Organisation: alternating activities in small groups (5 groups maximum) and reflections all together.
All year round, daily except on January 1st and December 25th.
On demand.
Group children: 4.50 to 5 € (4.50 € for primary >20 children and 5 € for primary <20 children, middle school and high school.).
Group rate available for > 10 people.
Free of charge: 3 accompanying persons per class.
Free of charge: 3 accompanying persons per class.
Modes de paiement
- Cash
- Credit transfer
- Contactless payment
Nombre de personne minimum : 10
Nombre de personne maximum : 35
Langues parlées
- French